not-for-profit organisation.

  • The 31 March is a good time to plan for end of year financial reporting requirements for not for profit organisations.

14 steps to make not-for-profit financial reporting a success

The end of the financial year (EOFY) is an important time for not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) to review their financial performance, finalise their financial statements, and prepare for the upcoming year. Follow our 14 steps on how to approach you or your client’s financial not-for-profit financial reporting requirements for year-end.

2024-07-08T12:03:15+12:00February 21, 2024|Insights|
  • The 15 key responsibilities of a not for profit treasurer to ensure good financial management of not for profit organisations

The 15 key responsibilities of a Not For Profit treasurer

From an auditing and accounting perspective, it is vital that all members of the organisation understand the duties of a treasurer and how to manage the organisation’s finances. In this blog, BVO Audit Director Alex Houghton shares the 15 tasks a treasurer must get very good at to run an effective not-for-profit organisation.

2024-06-25T12:00:32+12:00June 20, 2023|Insights|